Hello everybody!
To kick off what you will rapidly realise is another tenuously linked post, here is a picture of my latest painting, Pluto the chocolate Labrador:

I’m pleased with how it’s turned out, although unfortunately my beloved daylight lamp is casting a nasty glow on this photograph. I particularly like the background colour, and am finding myself increasingly drawn to sludgy neutrals which I feel work nicely as a backdrop to animal portraits.
Speaking of chocolate (…yes, I warned you…) most of my time in Miami fell over Lent and this is what greeted me every time I opened the fridge:

By a show of hands, what’s more embarrassing; the fact I labelled my Lindt bunny, or that my handwriting resembles a 5 year old’s?
Needless to say I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of Easter Sunday, as was Maggie who wouldn’t stop nagging me to dress her up in these ridiculous bunny ears she insisted on buying.

Anyway, I needn’t have worried about hoarding my chocolate, as the good people of the Sony Open clearly had their priorities in order-

And so I close the chapter on Easter this year.

Moving on, and before flying home I made a whirlwind visit to Boise so I could see my brother. Funnily, my trip coincided with this, but the big match that weekend was the turf war between the Boise State men’s tennis team and their rivals, BYU. Sadly the Broncos lost in the deciding rubber, but it was great to see them play in such an intense atmosphere for my first experience of college tennis. It was lovely to be back in Boise again, and one of the highlights was a hike up the famous Table Rock:

A new friend I made this trip was a gorgeous rescue puppy… also called Maggie:

I believe she has Jack Russell and Australian Shepherd in her, and she is definitely a lot better behaved than my Maggie was at that age.

In fact, if any of you are interested in purchasing a well behaved Border Terrier that doesn’t eat/chase things it’s not meant to, and always comes when it’s called, then I direct you to Richard Cooper & Company, where you can find this delightful chap:

I was given this bronze for Christmas and absolutely love it; despite being small it’s lovely and heavy with such characterful detailing. Just how a Border should be.
Another statue that’s caught my eye recently was on a much larger scale. Back in Miami, I came across this wonderful piece in the gardens of the Ritz Carlton:

The artist is Carole Feuerman, who is known for her hyper-realist sculptures. On close inspection you can even see water droplets on the surface of the swimmer’s skin, the attention to detail is so thorough. My favourite thing about the piece, though, is the way the figure’s eyes are closed and she is gently smiling. Observing her felt as though you were intruding on a private moment of reflection, yet she didn’t seem to mind at all.
And I finish with another private moment of reflection:
Until next time!
Kim x