Hello everyone!
I’ll (try to) keep this short- I’m in Miami spending some quality time with the sun before I go home for Christmas and forget what it looks like entirely. Although I secretly can’t wait to return to the blustery depths of the British winter- log fires, mulled wine and T.V specials belong on my list of favourite things- the festive spirit is definitely sizeable here in South Florida:
Christmas tree dwarfs Palm trees
In between Christmas shopping jaunts I’ve been getting a fair amount of painting done, albeit in a makeshift studio with my equipment balanced on an ironing board (most use that’s ever had). Continuing the theme of all things supersized, these fruit studies are a follow-up to the oversized raspberries I showed you a while back.
I had great fun painting the strawberries especially, and had a go at making a time-lapse video to share with you all. Sadly it took me longer to edit the video than create the painting itself, so don’t expect to see another one of these anytime soon! Disclaimer: I’m definitely not trying to make tie-dye cool again.
A big, fat thank you goes to the wonderful Jane Hunt for lending me a piece of her lovely music to stick over the top. Without her you’d be subjected to the sound of my (terrible) singing, sped up by 1200x and sounding terrifyingly chipmunk-esque. Jane is an incredible violinist, and the other day let me have a play around taking photos of her (virtually priceless) instrument.

It’s pretty much a work of art itself and the craftsmanship up close is phenomenal. No wonder she politely declined when I asked if I could scratch out what I remember of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I paid a visit to the Art Basel exhibition which rolls into Miami every year, but stupidly forgot to take enough photographs. There was some interesting (and some very unusual) art on display. I was completely blown away by Kenji Sugiyama’s pieces; intricate interiors created inside minuscule boxes, amplified by ingenious use of mirrors. I also loved the collection of Warhol prints, and managed to snap a hazy picture of a quote I particularly liked:

“Pop art is for everyone. I don’t think art should be only for the select few”- Andy Warhol
Eric Church is one of my favourite (musical) artists, and I was thoroughly overexcited to find out he was playing in Florida this week. He was amazing live.

I didn’t manage to catch a photo of everyone in the arena waving their cowboy boots over their heads as he serenaded us with These Boots, but I assure you it was a very cool moment.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Kim x